
A custom transformer that can be used with ttypescript to transform ts imports to browser style imports

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Home > config > PluginConfigs > webModulePath

PluginConfigs.webModulePath property

Warning: This API is now obsolete.

Should try the new importMap support

Used in snowpack. web_modules module path


webModulePath?: string


Choose what webModulePath to use when transform as snowpack import. See document of [snowpack](



Filename: default.ts

/// {}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c, d, e, a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, a2, b2, c2, d2, e2)
// Node style import
import a from 'a'
import b, { c, d } from 'b'
import * as e from 'c'
import 'd'

// relative import without ext name
import a1 from './a'
import b1, { c1, d1 } from './b'
import * as e1 from '/c'
import './d'

// browser style import
import a2 from ''
import b2, { c2, d2 } from ''
import * as e2 from ''
import ''

const x = 1
export { x }
// Node style export
export { c, d } from 'b'
export * as e from 'c'

// relative import without ext name
export { c1, d1 } from './b'
export * as e1 from './c'

// browser style import
export { c2, d2 } from ''
export * as e2 from ''


Filename: webModulePath-string.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":"snowpack","webModulePath":""}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c, d, e, a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, a2, b2, c2, d2, e2);
// Node style import
import a from "";
import b, { c, d } from "";
import * as e from "";
import "";
// relative import without ext name
import a1 from "./a.js";
import b1, { c1, d1 } from "./b.js";
import * as e1 from "/c.js";
import "./d.js";
// browser style import
import a2 from '';
import b2, { c2, d2 } from '';
import * as e2 from '';
import '';
const x = 1;
export { x };
// Node style export
export { c, d } from "";
export * as e from "";
// relative import without ext name
export { c1, d1 } from "./b.js";
export * as e1 from "./c.js";
// browser style import
export { c2, d2 } from '';
export * as e2 from '';

Filename: webModulePath-undefined.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":"snowpack"}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c, d, e, a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, a2, b2, c2, d2, e2);
// Node style import
import a from "/web_modules/a.js";
import b, { c, d } from "/web_modules/b.js";
import * as e from "/web_modules/c.js";
import "/web_modules/d.js";
// relative import without ext name
import a1 from "./a.js";
import b1, { c1, d1 } from "./b.js";
import * as e1 from "/c.js";
import "./d.js";
// browser style import
import a2 from '';
import b2, { c2, d2 } from '';
import * as e2 from '';
import '';
const x = 1;
export { x };
// Node style export
export { c, d } from "/web_modules/b.js";
export * as e from "/web_modules/c.js";
// relative import without ext name
export { c1, d1 } from "./b.js";
export * as e1 from "./c.js";
// browser style import
export { c2, d2 } from '';
export * as e2 from '';