A custom transformer that can be used with ttypescript to transform ts imports to browser style imports
Home > config > RewriteRulesUMD
Rewrite module to a UMD access
export interface RewriteRulesUMD
{ "type": "umd", target: "mylib", globalObject: "window" }
Filename: rules-complex.ts
/// { rules: { "/@material-ui\\/(.+)/": {type: "umd", target: "MaterialUI.$1"}, "lodash": "umd", "jquery": "pikacdn", "lodash-es": "unpkg", "/.+/": "snowpack" } }
import x from '@material-ui/core'
import i from '@material-ui/icons'
import y from 'lodash'
import z from 'lodash-es'
import w from 'other'
console.log(x, y, z, w, i)
Filename: rules-complex.js
// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":{"/@material-ui\\/(.+)/":{"type":"umd","target":"MaterialUI.$1"},"lodash":"umd","jquery":"pikacdn","lodash-es":"unpkg","/.+/":"snowpack"}}
const x = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["MaterialUI.core"], ["default"], "@material-ui/core", "globalThis.MaterialUI.core", false).default;
const i = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["MaterialUI.icons"], ["default"], "@material-ui/icons", "globalThis.MaterialUI.icons", false).default;
const y = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["lodash"], ["default"], "lodash", "globalThis.lodash", false).default;
import z from "https://unpkg.com/lodash-es?module";
import w from "/web_modules/other.js";
console.log(x, y, z, w, i);
import { __UMDBindCheck as __UMDBindCheck } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@magic-works/ttypescript-browser-like-import-transformer@2.1.2/es/ttsclib.min.js";
This option also support treeshake.
Filename: treeshake-test/tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [
// @magic-works/ttypescript-browser-like-import-transformer
"transform": "@magic-works/ttypescript-browser-like-import-transformer",
"after": true,
"rules": {
"/(.+)/": {
"type": "umd",
"target": "dependencies",
"treeshake": {
"out": "./deps.js"
"target": "ESNext",
"module": "ESNext",
"outDir": "./dist",
"rootDir": "./src",
"moduleResolution": "node"
Filename: treeshake-test/src/index.ts
import { a, b as c } from '1'
import * as d from '2'
console.log(a, c, d)
import '3'
export * from '4'
export * as e from '5'
export { x, y, z } from '6'
Filename: treeshake-test/index.js
const { a, b: c } = __UMDBindCheck(dependencies["1"], ["a", "b"], "1", "dependencies.1", false);
const d = __UMDBindCheck(dependencies["2"], [], "2", "dependencies.2", false);
const e_1 = __UMDBindCheck(dependencies["5"], [], "5", "dependencies.5", false);
export { e_1 as e };
const { x_1, y_1, z_1 } = __UMDBindCheck(dependencies["6"], ["x", "y", "z"], "6", "dependencies.6", false);
export { x_1 as x, y_1 as y, z_1 as z };
console.log(a, c, d);
"import \"3\" is eliminated because it expected to have no side effects in UMD transform.";
"import \"4\" is eliminated because it expected to have no side effects in UMD transform.";
import { __UMDBindCheck as __UMDBindCheck } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@magic-works/ttypescript-browser-like-import-transformer@2.1.2/es/ttsclib.min.js";
Extra file: (Therefore you can feed this file to Webpack / Rollup and get treeshaked.)
Filename: treeshake-test/deps.js
const _ = new Map();
import { a as _1, b as _2 } from "1";
_.set("1", createESModuleInterop({ a: _1, b: _2 }));
import * as _3 from "2";
_.set("2", _3);
import "3";
import * as _4 from "4";
_.set("4", _4);
import * as _5 from "5";
_.set("5", _5);
import { x as _6, y as _7, z as _8 } from "6";
_.set("6", createESModuleInterop({ x: _6, y: _7, z: _8 }));
export default (function createExport() {
return new Proxy(_, {
get(target, key) {
return target.get(key);
function createESModuleInterop(x) {
if (typeof x !== 'object' || x === null)
return { default: x, __esModule: true };
return new Proxy(x, {
get(target, key) {
const v = target[key];
if (v)
return v;
if (key === '__esModule')
return true;
return undefined;
Property | Type | Description |
globalObject | string | When using UMD import, this option indicates what global object will be used to find the UMD variables. |
target | string | Rewrite the matching import statement to specified global variable |
treeshake | { out: string } | |
type | ‘umd’ | |
umdImportPath | string | should be a URL. Will use a import 'umdImportPath' to load the UMD then deconstruct from it. |