
A custom transformer that can be used with ttypescript to transform ts imports to browser style imports

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RewriteRulesURL interface

Rewrite module to another URL


export interface RewriteRulesURL 


    "type": "url",
    "withVersion": "$packageName$/v$version$""
    "noVersion": "$packageName$/latest"

Source code:

Filename: rules-default.ts

console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2)
// Node style import
import a from 'a'
import b, { c as c2, d } from 'b'
import * as e from 'c'
import 'd'

const c = 1
const x = 1
export { x }
// Node style export
export { c, d } from 'b'
export * as e from 'c'


Filename: rules-url.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":{"type":"url","withVersion":"std:$packageName$@$version$","noVersion":"std:$packageName$"}}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2);
// Node style import
import a from "std:a";
import b, { c as c2, d } from "std:b";
import * as e from "std:c";
import "std:d";
const c = 1;
const x = 1;
export { x };
// Node style export
export { c, d } from "std:b";
export * as e from "std:c";


Property Type Description
noVersion string Rewrite to this URL if the transformer can’t read the version of the package
type ‘url’  
withVersion string Rewrite to this URL if the transformer can read the version of the package