A custom transformer that can be used with ttypescript to transform ts imports to browser style imports
Home > config > PluginConfigs > rules
The transformation rule. Specify how this transformer will handle your imports.
rules?: Exclude<RewriteRulesObject, RewriteRulesUMD> & Record<string, RewriteRulesObject>
This is the most powerful part of this transformer. You can specify the transform rule of bare imports (like import 'React'
) to the form that browser can recognize. See RewriteRulesObject
When it is a Record<string, RewriteRulesObject>
, you can use two kinds of matching rule to matching your import paths.
Full match: use normal string to do a full match. ("react"
will only match “react”)
RegExp match: use JavaScript RegExp to match dependencies. ("/^@material-ui\/(.+)/g"
will match all packages started with @material-ui
A complex example:
{rules: {
react: "umd",
"lodash-es": "pikacdn",
"async-call-rpc": "unpkg",
"std:fs": false,
"isarray": "snowpack",
// === /^@material-ui\/(.+)/g
"/^@material-ui\\/(.+)/g": {
type: "umd",
target: "MaterialUI.$1",
globalObject: "window"
"/(.+)/g": "snowpack"
Filename: demo-2.ts
/// { rules: { react: "umd", "lodash-es": "pikacdn", "async-call-rpc": "unpkg", "std:fs": false,"isarray": "snowpack", "/^@material-ui\\/(.+)/g": { type: "umd", target: "MaterialUI.$1", globalObject: "window" }, "/(.+)/g": "snowpack" } }
//! { esModuleInterop: true }
import React from 'react'
import lodash from 'lodash-es'
import * as AsyncCall from 'async-call-rpc'
import fs from 'std:fs'
import isarray from 'isarray'
import * as MUI from '@material-ui/core'
import * as MUILab from '@material-ui/labs'
import 'other-polyfill'
console.log(React, lodash, AsyncCall, fs, isarray, MUI, MUILab)
Filename: demo-2.js
// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext","esModuleInterop":true}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":{"react":"umd","lodash-es":"pikacdn","async-call-rpc":"unpkg","std:fs":false,"isarray":"snowpack","/^@material-ui\\/(.+)/g":{"type":"umd","target":"MaterialUI.$1","globalObject":"window"},"/(.+)/g":"snowpack"}}
const React = __UMDBindCheck(__esModuleInterop(globalThis["React"]), ["default"], "react", "globalThis.React", true).default;
const MUI = __UMDBindCheck(window["MaterialUI.core"], [], "@material-ui/core", "window.MaterialUI.core", true);
const MUILab = __UMDBindCheck(window["MaterialUI.labs"], [], "@material-ui/labs", "window.MaterialUI.labs", true);
import lodash from "https://cdn.pika.dev/lodash-es";
import * as AsyncCall from "https://unpkg.com/async-call-rpc?module";
import fs from 'std:fs';
import isarray from "/web_modules/isarray.js";
import "/web_modules/other-polyfill.js";
console.log(React, lodash, AsyncCall, fs, isarray, MUI, MUILab);
import { __esModuleInterop as __esModuleInterop, __UMDBindCheck as __UMDBindCheck } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@magic-works/ttypescript-browser-like-import-transformer@2.1.2/es/ttsclib.min.js";