
A custom transformer that can be used with ttypescript to transform ts imports to browser style imports

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Home > config > PluginConfigs > rules

PluginConfigs.rules property

The transformation rule. Specify how this transformer will handle your imports.


rules?: Exclude<RewriteRulesObject, RewriteRulesUMD> & Record<string, RewriteRulesObject>


This is the most powerful part of this transformer. You can specify the transform rule of bare imports (like import 'React') to the form that browser can recognize. See RewriteRulesObject

When it is a Record<string, RewriteRulesObject>, you can use two kinds of matching rule to matching your import paths.


A complex example:

{rules: {
     react: "umd",
     "lodash-es": "pikacdn",
     "async-call-rpc": "unpkg",
     "std:fs": false,
     "isarray": "snowpack",
     // === /^@material-ui\/(.+)/g
     "/^@material-ui\\/(.+)/g": {
         type: "umd",
         target: "MaterialUI.$1",
         globalObject: "window"
     "/(.+)/g": "snowpack"

Filename: demo-2.ts

/// { rules: { react: "umd", "lodash-es": "pikacdn", "async-call-rpc": "unpkg", "std:fs": false,"isarray": "snowpack", "/^@material-ui\\/(.+)/g": { type: "umd", target: "MaterialUI.$1", globalObject: "window" }, "/(.+)/g": "snowpack" } }
//! { esModuleInterop: true }
import React from 'react'
import lodash from 'lodash-es'
import * as AsyncCall from 'async-call-rpc'
import fs from 'std:fs'
import isarray from 'isarray'
import * as MUI from '@material-ui/core'
import * as MUILab from '@material-ui/labs'
import 'other-polyfill'

console.log(React, lodash, AsyncCall, fs, isarray, MUI, MUILab)


Filename: demo-2.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext","esModuleInterop":true}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":{"react":"umd","lodash-es":"pikacdn","async-call-rpc":"unpkg","std:fs":false,"isarray":"snowpack","/^@material-ui\\/(.+)/g":{"type":"umd","target":"MaterialUI.$1","globalObject":"window"},"/(.+)/g":"snowpack"}}
const React = __UMDBindCheck(__esModuleInterop(globalThis["React"]), ["default"], "react", "globalThis.React", true).default;
const MUI = __UMDBindCheck(window["MaterialUI.core"], [], "@material-ui/core", "window.MaterialUI.core", true);
const MUILab = __UMDBindCheck(window["MaterialUI.labs"], [], "@material-ui/labs", "window.MaterialUI.labs", true);
import lodash from "";
import * as AsyncCall from "";
import fs from 'std:fs';
import isarray from "/web_modules/isarray.js";
import "/web_modules/other-polyfill.js";
console.log(React, lodash, AsyncCall, fs, isarray, MUI, MUILab);
import { __esModuleInterop as __esModuleInterop, __UMDBindCheck as __UMDBindCheck } from "";