
A custom transformer that can be used with ttypescript to transform ts imports to browser style imports

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Home > config > RewriteRulesObject

RewriteRulesObject type

Rewrite the module by complex rules.


export type RewriteRulesObject = false | RewriteRulesSimple | RewriteRulesUMD | RewriteRulesURL



Example for Record<string, RewriteRulesObject>

   "my-pkg": "umd", // to globalThis.myPkg
   "my-pkg2": "pikacdn", // to
   "my-pkg3": "unpkg", // to
   "/my-pkg-(.+)/": {
       type: 'umd',
       target: 'getMyPkg("$1")'
   }, // for "my-pkg-12" to globalThis.getMyPkg("12")

Source code:

Filename: rules-default.ts

console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2)
// Node style import
import a from 'a'
import b, { c as c2, d } from 'b'
import * as e from 'c'
import 'd'

const c = 1
const x = 1
export { x }
// Node style export
export { c, d } from 'b'
export * as e from 'c'


Filename: rules-false.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":false}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2);
// Node style import
import a from 'a';
import b, { c as c2, d } from 'b';
import * as e from 'c';
import 'd';
const c = 1;
const x = 1;
export { x };
// Node style export
export { c, d } from 'b';
export * as e from 'c';

Filename: rules-umd.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":"umd"}
const a = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["a"], ["default"], "a", "globalThis.a", false).default;
const b = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["b"], ["default"], "b", "globalThis.b", false).default;
const { c: c2, d } = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["b"], ["c", "d"], "b", "globalThis.b", false);
const e = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["c"], [], "c", "globalThis.c", false);
const { c_1, d_1 } = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["b"], ["c", "d"], "b", "globalThis.b", false);
export { c_1 as c, d_1 as d };
const e_1 = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["c"], [], "c", "globalThis.c", false);
export { e_1 as e };
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2);
"import \"d\" is eliminated because it expected to have no side effects in UMD transform.";
const c = 1;
const x = 1;
export { x };
import { __UMDBindCheck as __UMDBindCheck } from "";

Filename: rules-pikacdn.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":"pikacdn"}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2);
// Node style import
import a from "";
import b, { c as c2, d } from "";
import * as e from "";
import "";
const c = 1;
const x = 1;
export { x };
// Node style export
export { c, d } from "";
export * as e from "";

Filename: rules-snowpack.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":"snowpack"}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2);
// Node style import
import a from "/web_modules/a.js";
import b, { c as c2, d } from "/web_modules/b.js";
import * as e from "/web_modules/c.js";
import "/web_modules/d.js";
const c = 1;
const x = 1;
export { x };
// Node style export
export { c, d } from "/web_modules/b.js";
export * as e from "/web_modules/c.js";

Filename: rules-unpkg.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":"unpkg"}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2);
// Node style import
import a from "";
import b, { c as c2, d } from "";
import * as e from "";
import "";
const c = 1;
const x = 1;
export { x };
// Node style export
export { c, d } from "";
export * as e from "";

Filename: rules-url.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":{"type":"url","withVersion":"std:$packageName$@$version$","noVersion":"std:$packageName$"}}
console.log('Should run after all imports', a, b, c2, d, e, c2);
// Node style import
import a from "std:a";
import b, { c as c2, d } from "std:b";
import * as e from "std:c";
import "std:d";
const c = 1;
const x = 1;
export { x };
// Node style export
export { c, d } from "std:b";
export * as e from "std:c";

Complex example:

Filename: rules-complex.ts

/// { rules: { "/@material-ui\\/(.+)/": {type: "umd", target: "MaterialUI.$1"}, "lodash": "umd", "jquery": "pikacdn", "lodash-es": "unpkg", "/.+/": "snowpack" } }

import x from '@material-ui/core'
import i from '@material-ui/icons'
import y from 'lodash'
import z from 'lodash-es'
import w from 'other'
console.log(x, y, z, w, i)


Filename: rules-complex.js

// CompilerOptions: {"module":"ESNext"}
// PluginConfig: {"rules":{"/@material-ui\\/(.+)/":{"type":"umd","target":"MaterialUI.$1"},"lodash":"umd","jquery":"pikacdn","lodash-es":"unpkg","/.+/":"snowpack"}}
const x = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["MaterialUI.core"], ["default"], "@material-ui/core", "globalThis.MaterialUI.core", false).default;
const i = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["MaterialUI.icons"], ["default"], "@material-ui/icons", "globalThis.MaterialUI.icons", false).default;
const y = __UMDBindCheck(globalThis["lodash"], ["default"], "lodash", "globalThis.lodash", false).default;
import z from "";
import w from "/web_modules/other.js";
console.log(x, y, z, w, i);
import { __UMDBindCheck as __UMDBindCheck } from "";